The Drying West

The Drying West

January 6th – January 29th

As the West dries, the water shortage impacts people, ecosystems, and wildlife alike, both in Colorado and in other neighboring states. As reservoirs shrink, rivers are diverted to deliver water away from farmland to major cities. Climate change is here and during this epoch, my hope is to engage the public with this ongoing discourse and to reimagine how to utilize water ways – especially since the future of biodiversity and our way of life is threatened by over-construction.

The issue also comes with an intersection between environmental and social justice, since we should center Indigenous peoples voice in these decisions regarding water discourse and land acknowledgement. This site-specific installation calls our attention to the water supply and how the continuation of economic growth at the cost of the environment cannot be sustained. In 2050 we will face a moment of revelation as the temperatures will not slow down. If we do not actively try to advocate for immediate changes, then these water shortages will become permanent.

This installation includes hand-made drawings and laser-cut maps, and experimentation with light. The work was created at the CU Denver Inworks workspace, and most of the materials have been repurposed and will continue to be recycled. A big thanks to all the lab monitors and to Understudy.


Out Many, More Voices of the Americas — CU Denver Experience Gallery


VIDA — The Supernova Digital Animation Festival